Heal from burnout, PTSD, anxiety and relationship struggles and restore your mental health !
You’ve seen the worst, and now it’s creating challenges:
Burnout doesn’t cover it…..You see trauma Everyday.
When you are on the job and come across something that could make a grown man cry, you’ve learned “There’s no time for emotions. Just get the job done. “ Before, it helped you get the job done and be able to sleep at night, but now this strategy leaves you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, emotionally distant from everyone and unable to concentrate.
What you have also learned is, “I have to carry this on my own, because it’s alot and others shouldn’t have to hear it.” Just because you have seen the worst and learned to deal with it, doesn’t mean others have the ability to save space for you.
……And somewhere in the back of your mind (or maybe in the front of your mind), you consider yourself part of a rare breed of people that you know it takes a certain type of therapist to be able to work with you. Because tragedy, trauma, and death is a part of your everyday, the person who is going to help you should be tough enough to handle it. .
Your job is mentally and physically demanding. You have to be “on” for a high stress job with crazy hours, so when you finally get to clock out and go home, you find yourself struggling to get back into the rhythm of everyday life. You may have just experienced hours of adrenaline coursing through your veins and you are expected to walk back into civilian life cool, calm, collected.
Maybe to achieve a state of relaxation, you have found yourself leaning into using substances. A part of you feels like you should be able to handle it without altering your state of mind, but another part of you finds comfort in the numbing.
Your relationships are taking a toll. You are either emotionally distant from your loved ones or feel on edge all the time that it doesn’t take much to set you off.
Even though your job has given you the fraternity to lean into, you know you have to do something different if you plan on staying in this job. You find yourself dreaming of a different life, a different career altogether that no longer makes you feel so stressed, tired or alone.
Maybe you are dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms or full on PTSD. Even though something traumatic hasn’t happened to you personally, you have been involved in helping those impacted by unspeakable tragedy. PTSD is not uncommon for those in your line of work, but you can’t tell others at work for fear of appearing weak or unable to do the job safely any longer. You have a professional mental health provider experienced in the culture of First Responders provided to you through your work, but you’re not sure you can be honest and open without any repercussions.
Traditional talk therapy doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, but you know you need somewhere safe to process….
Feeling the burnout of the high mental and physical demands of the job
Using substances to numb the adrenaline and fatigue from a hard day at work.
Feeling emotionally distant from your family, friends and colleagues.
Feeling like you can’t handle this job anymore.
The flashbacks and nightmares
how i can help
EMDR Therapy for First Responders and Medical Professionals.
Late onset PTSD is a thing. You can handle quite a bit, until one event seems to be the turning point for you.
If PTSD is a dirty word for you, then lets just say you have symptoms that are lingering after experiencing or witnessing trauma that are now interfering with your relationships or mental health….(wink. wink.)
You might feel like your really don’t want to talk about the things you have experienced while on the job.
With EMDR, you don’t have to share what you don’t want, and you can still benefit from therapy.
Now, with that being said, we still take a little time to understand your family of origin and explore any adverse childhood experiences and subconscious negative beliefs that could be bubbling up while at work.
As Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk states, “The body keeps the score,” even when we do our best to deny how much our experience truly has impacted our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and attachment health.
With EMDR, you can come in and ask to process the last distressing event from work, which can help prevent that memory from developing or exacerbating any PTSD symptoms. But that last event ISN'T usually the source of the issue, it’s just the one that created enough distress to make a part of you call out for help. Listen to that part that needs help. But if recent events is where you want to start, then let’s start there while you get a taste for what therapy is like with me.
You’ve seen alot, and have had to make tough calls in a moment of crisis. At the moment, the feelings bubbled up, even if for a minute, and you rationalized your way through feeling negative emotions about yourself. It’s all in the past……isn’t it?
With EMDR, you get to privately review the different memories that make you feel like the air has been sucked out of you, or the negative beliefs you developed about those moments such as :
I’m not good enough.
I can’t handle it.
I’m a bad person.
I should have…….
I don’t deserve….
What would it be like to heal those parts of you that seem to struggle without having to explain in detail the horrific or embarrassing moments that keep you stuck?
What if you need to talk about the details…..and you are afraid that I can’t handle hearing it or all the colorful language I use?
Thank you for considering my wellbeing, but It’s my job to tend to your wounds now……..Plus, I visit regularly with my own therapist to make sure that I show up as the best version of myself for you!
In therapy, you will see that I too have very expressive language, a dark sense of humor, and often find moments for comedic relief with clients, because therapy isn’t about just doing the hard work. It’s also about self-compassion and coping through the hard things, even with a little humor.
Your trauma is not too much for me. Let’s get you back to living a life that brings you joy.
imagine if you…
Could feel mentally and physically collected on the job and off the job.
Once you calm your central nervous system, and find new ways to cope with the stress and demands of your job, you could walk into the job knowing you can handle the distress and
Could stop leaning on substances to numb the feelings
The years of compiled traumatic events would no longer be weighing you down. The bad calls, the adrenaline that struggles to come down, you could find new ways to cope through the distress that silently hums in the background of your mind and body.
Feel connected to your family once again
You can be present in the moment with your loved ones, manage your emotions, and feel the joy of being connected.
I want you to know:
You don’t have to carry your struggles alone.
Let’s work together to get you the resources you need to live your life!
Common questions about therapy for dating
Why, yes I do! I am trained in ASSYST for Individuals and Groups, and provided group EMDR the days that followed the mass shooting in Allen, TX. I am familiar with other forms of group EMDR as well, but ASSYST - Group is my go to after crisis.
OH, and the best part??? In group EMDR, there is no VERBAL sharing. It's all done in silence. You don't hear other people's struggles or experience and you don't share yours. And you still get healing!
I do! I can offer marriage/couples counseling, or work with one member of the family at a time.
Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consult and see if we are a good fit.
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