ERP (Expsore and Response Prevention) to regain your life back from the control of OCD.

Ready to break free from the chains of your obsessions, compulsions and rituals?

Your anxiety has gotten out of control. Maybe you know you’ve been diagnosed with OCD, or maybe your family or medical providers suspect some OCD tendencies.

At first you thought, “nah! Unlikely.” But as time progressed, you’ve noticed some of your thoughts seem to take up alot of space and energy, which lead you to behave by doing or not doing things that could trigger anxiety because of the thought, image or impulse.

You find yourself having recurrent thoughts, images or impulses that feel intrusive or “inappropriate” or disproportionate, and now it’s creating anxiety or distress. 

Your thoughts or images feel so distressing, and there’s a part of your brain that says “This probably would never happen” but the other part of your brain keeps thinking of all the “what-if’s” and worst case scenarios, and how you well end up in jail, dead or alone. 

You’ve tried to distract yourself from such thoughts or suppress or neutralize the images, impulses or thoughts, but you really struggle to find relief from the distress it causes you to even have the idea, image or thought pop up in your mind. 

It leaves you feeling tired and frustrated that your brain thinks this way to the point of now making you BEHAVE a certain way. 

In some cases, you might find yourself washing your hands excessively or having very repetitive, ritualistic behaviors or even mental acts that you apply to respond to the intrusive thoughts, images or impulses. 

You find temporary relief, and then notice that you begin to worry and  try to prevent or reduce the distress by incorporating some techniques that don’t seem to quite fully keep the anxiety and compulsion in remission for very long. 


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder FLAVORS

There are several OCD symptom subtypes.  Your OCD is unique to you and attacks the areas that matter the most to you. So what flavor does your OCD take on? Here are a few common types..

  • Contamination/Washing: Sometimes you spend a significant amount of time worries about germs and contamination

  • Checking: You often check things excessively, like the oven, appliances, making sure the doors are locked, doubting that you checked them and going back to check it all again. 

  • Harm: Some people  notice high levels of worry about losing their temper and potentially harming someone, or having intrusive thoughts of accidentally hurting someone

  • Symmetry, Ordering, Arranging: You feel the need to have everything in order, aligned, organized and/or  displayed “just right” 

  • Magical Thinking: If I do these rituals/routines, no harm will come to ______.

  • Relational OCD: having excessive doubts about a relationship,  whether a romantic relationship or even a friendship, which can often lead to tremendous anxiety, rumination and neutralizing behaviors surrounding your feelings towards your partner, their feelings toward you, if you should still be in the relationship, hyper focused on all the flaws of the other person, and more!

  •  Religious/Scrupulosity: Feeling that if you don’t go to confession every week, or say your prayers multiple times a day, or wake up at a certain time in the evening, that it makes you bad or somehow you will anger God and end up in hell. 

  • Perfectionism: Nothing I do or write is just right or perfect. 

  • Perinatal OCD: excessive worry about harming yourself, your baby, or others

You have come to believe that because you have an intrusive thought, that somehow it might make it true. And if you speak the words aloud, that people will judge you or send you off to a mental hospital. People who don’t understand OCD might find your thoughts peculiar, but in my therapy room, your thoughts are just that….a part of you who struggles with all the OCD symptoms whose job is to protect you by having you think of all the worst case scenarios. But now it’s just making you feel STUCK in the what-if’s, the need to do things to keep yourself safe at the expense of your mental, social and emotional health.

OCD has consumed so much of your daily mental energy and time. Managing your anxiety, around the distressing, obsessive thoughts has  become significant enough that you find it impairing:

  • Your normal daily routine, 

  • Your ability to arrive to work on time

  • Your ability to focus at work

  • Your ability to complete a task in a timely manner  due to it needing to be “just right” or “perfect”

  • Your satisfaction with your relationship

  • Building trust with your partner or friends

  • The ability to socialize or interact with family, friends, colleagues or society in general.

    Let’s help your OCD part learn to ease up, relax and trust your ability to manage life’s distress more!

how i can help

ERP can help you live your life bound to your rituals and compulsions.

As a therapist trained in ERP -Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder you will learn to face your fears and resist the urge to perform compulsions. 

ERP involves gradual and controlled exposure to the situations that trigger your anxiety, allowing you to build tolerance and reduce your reliance on compulsive behaviors.   We start with the small things, then gradually build your tolerance until you feel empowered to challenge yourself, at your own pace. 

With each exposure, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to handle distress without resorting to compulsions, breaking the cycle that maintains your OCD.

No, I won’t throw you into something that makes you feel like you will have a panic attack. We literally take small steps, dipping your pinky in first until that creates a reduction of anxiety and compulsive behaviors to handle the distress. Then we gradually try two fingers, then three, then four, etc. 

Most importantly, I won’t judge your for your thoughts and compulsions. I understand how sometimes, the obsessive thoughts can be scary, distressing, and NOT a reflection of who you are. You don’t have to carry the heavy thoughts in silence and try to manage them on your own.

Come learn what OCD is, and what YOUR OCD looks like so you can help it heal and relax it’s grip on you!

imagine if you could…

Stop ruminating over the images or the thoughts

Stop engaging and compulsive behaviors that only provide temporary relief

Be able to engage with your loved ones, friends, colleagues and your surroundings without all the noise in your head and the need to engage in your compulsion. 

I want you to know:

You can regain your sense of distress tolerance, stop engaging in your compulsions, and thrive!

Therapy for OCD can help you

  • Gain insight and self-awareness

  • Improve your ability to tolerate anxiety and break free from the need to engage in your compulsions

  • Reduce the anxiety related to your triggers

  • Gain confidence in your ability to identify and work towards beating OCD

  • Finally manage your obsessions and compulsions, long term.


Common questions about therapy for OCD

  • I am not licensed to prescribe medication. I believe that medication coupled with therapy is the most effective approach for treating anxiety for some, while therapy alone is sufficient. I have excellent referrals to clinicians experienced with treating OCD who can prescribe medication if that’s the path you want to explore!

  • ERP, short for Exposure and Response (Ritual) Prevention. is a 60-85% success rate in treating OCD symptoms and behaviors. 

    It requires commitment to a minimum of weekly attendance AND weekly homework.  A minimum of 20-24 weeks is required to complete ERP

  • OCD can go into remission. You will learn the skills necessary to confront your fears, anxious thoughts and obsessions with extinguishing the need for the compulsions. A LAPSE can and will likely happen at some point in the future, but your ability to identify the symptoms, the obsessions and the compulsive/ritualistic behaviors will allow you to use the skills learned in ERP to minimize the symptoms of OCD on your own. If you need additional help, I am always available to help you apply the concepts of ERP to help you go back into remission or have “check-in” sessions to help you manage the symptoms long term.

  • ERP is evidence based, with data that shows that ERP is most effective when you provide exposure therapy in a gradual systematic format with enough time to address all the areas that OCD creates distress. The most effective results for managing OCD was reported with 18-24 week minimum.  It should provide some level of comfort that it takes titrated exposure to increase your tolerance to the anxiety/distress, so you won’t be scared out of your britches on day one!

  • I do offer OCD intensives to help you move through the process a little faster. Please contact me if you are interested in this.

  • As an EMDR Certified Therapist™, we can take a look at what is the most distressing symptoms to determine if we use EMDR first to address the trauma, or begin with ERP if the OCD is creating significant distress that would limit the full effectiveness of EMDR.  It is reported that 1 in 4 people with OCD also have  PTSD. 

Ready to get started?

Break free from the chains of OCD and THRIVE.